Pleasant Prairie Dance Studio & Hotel Moving Forward
A new hotel and dance studio may be coming to Prairie Ridge Boulevard and 91st Avenue on the northeast corner in the near future.
A new hotel and dance studio may be coming to Prairie Ridge Boulevard and 91st Avenue on the northeast corner in the near future.
Among Marquette University’s most significant social announcements this year is the announcement of Iron District MKE.
Bear Development has owned a 3.6-acre site for around 7 or 8 years and has requested to subdivide the property.
The county of Kenosha plans to relocate its human services operations from the Job Center building at 8600 Sheridan Road to the proposed facility to be developed by Bear Development
AEG has confirmed their partnership in the live-entertainment venue at Iron District MKE.
Bear Homes was ranked #11 out of 25 in the Milwaukee Business Journal for Single Family Home Builders in the Milwaukee Area by home starts in 2021.
Bear Development and Kenosha County entered a purchase agreement for the renovation of Sun Plaza in Kenosha, WI. This purchase agreement will bring benefits to both the development company and the County of Kenosha.
Earlier this year, Bear Development and Kacmarcik Enterprises announced their partnership and development vision for Iron District MKE.
Our 198-lot subdivision project in Mount Pleasant is planned to include some single-family houses priced in the $350,000 to $450,000 range.
All of our new development on the Highway 50 corridor in Kenosha County, either underway or set to begin in 2022, is anticipated to increase the value of Paddock Lake, WI by $10 to $12 million.